
{mbox:|400|300|title=Apollo 11 - The History Channel | Man on the Moon - Heroic Orchestral|vthumb=history.jpg|height=105|width=140|caption=Apollo 11}{mbox:|400|300|title=Motorcycles - The History Channel | "Bikers" - Fun Funk Rock
|vthumb=history.jpg|height=105|width=140|caption=Motorcycles}{mbox:|400|300|title=Makeover Mamas - The A & E Channel | 1.8mb - :55
Tease and Theme - Fun Funk Rock |vthumb=aande.jpg|height=105|width=140|caption=Makeover Mamas}{mbox:|400|300|title=Makeover Mamas - The A & E Channel | 1.8mb - :55
Tease and Theme - Fun Funk Rock |vthumb=amc.jpg|height=105|width=140|caption=Makeover Mamas}


{mbox:|400|300|title=Apollo 11 - The History Channel | Man on the Moon - Heroic Orchestral|vthumb=discovery.jpg|height=105|width=140|caption=Apollo 11}{mbox:|400|300|title=Motorcycles - The History Channel | "Bikers" - Fun Funk Rock
|vthumb=discovery.jpg|height=105|width=140|caption=Motorcycles}{mbox:|400|300|title=Makeover Mamas - The A & E Channel | 1.8mb - :55
Tease and Theme - Fun Funk Rock |vthumb=mt.jpg|height=105|width=140|caption=Makeover Mamas}{mbox:|400|300|title=Makeover Mamas - The A & E Channel | 1.8mb - :55
Tease and Theme - Fun Funk Rock |vthumb=mt.jpg|height=105|width=140|caption=Makeover Mamas}